First Aid


The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974

The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981


First aid is defined as:

  • Providing help for the purpose of preserving life and minimising the consequences of injury or illness until such time as professional medical support can be obtained; and
  • Treating minor injuries which would not otherwise receive any treatment or which do not warrant treatment by a medical professional (Doctor, nurse, paramedic).

Policy Statement

  • The Health, Safety and Environment Service has delegated responsibility to ensure that adequate arrangements are put in place to provide sufficient first aid provisions. It will do this via a First Aid Needs Assessment.
  • Although there is no requirement in law to provide first aid to anyone other than employees, Langley FC will make provisions for the benefit of its students and visitors.
  • In recognition of this, Langley FC provides an additional resource in high-risk areas.


The Committee has the overall day-to-day responsibility for health and safety matters at the Langley FC. The Committee delegates responsibility for undertaking aspects of these duties through line management and identified roles. The following people are identified as having responsibilities (in addition to any other responsibilities under other health and safety policies) for the management of first aid in those areas, and for those relevant persons, that fall under their control:

The Head of Department/Service is responsible for ensuring that:

  • Any authorised first aiders under their control are provided with sufficient time to attend training and to maintain the first aid equipment for which they are responsible
  • All new starters are given basic health and safety information relating to first aid provision and how this can be accessed in their first month at work.
  • Any first aid equipment, including any automatic external defibrillators (AEDs), under their control, is adequately maintained, stored in a safe place, accessible to first aiders and ready for use at all times.
  • Records are kept for all AED equipment under their control to demonstrate a suitable and sufficient maintenance and testing programme.

Line Managers are responsible for:

  • Ensuring that their team is made aware of the first aid provision and procedures available within their department.

Safety, Health and Employee Wellbeing will:

  • Ensure that Langley FC has a sufficient number of trained first aiders by carrying out a first aid needs assessment and reviewing this assessment every three years or after any significant change, whichever is the sooner;
  • Ensure that first aiders receive adequate and timely training;
  • Consider any request for additional first aid provision made by a Head of Department or Service in writing using the template provided. Any additional provision not considered necessary may be refused or charged for;
  • Review and revise this Policy every three years or after significant change, whichever is the sooner.

Estates are responsible for:

  • Ensuring suitable and sufficient first aid signage is provided and maintained

First Aiders will:

  • Attend any mandatory training arranged for them in respect of first aid; and attend any first aid emergency as necessary and will administer first aid as appropriate and in accordance with the training they have received;
  • Maintain simple, factual records and provide information to the emergency services as required;
  • Ensure the first aid kit for which they are responsible, is kept fully stocked and up to date.


Langley FC Health and Safety Committee is responsible for monitoring and reviewing this policy. Reviews will be carried out every two years from the date of approval.

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